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Voodoo NOLA setlist

first images from bh are on — Voodoo Fest from BH – Gallery of a good time

City Park, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Voodoo Experience
w/ Crazy Horse

01. Love And Only Love
02. Powderfinger
03. Born In Ontario
04. Walk Like A Giant
05. The Needle And The Damage Done
06. Twisted Road
07. Ramada Inn
08. Cinnamon Girl
09. F*!#in' Up
10. Psychedelic Pill
11. Mr. Soul
12. Hey Hey, My My (Into The Black)
13. Like A Hurricane

Tour: 2012 Alchemy Tour With Crazy Horse
Band: Crazy Horse, Line Up 3

Neil Young - vocals, acoustic guitar, electric guitar
Frank Sampedro - electric guitar, keyboards, vocals
Billy Talbot - bass, vocals
Ralph Molina - drums, vocals

-- setlist courtesy of bh


Random Quote

\"(I) drove around the tarsands in my electric car viewing and experiencing
this unbelievable smell and toxicity in my throat — my eyes were
burning,\" he recalled. \"That started 25 miles away from the tarsands.
When I was in Fort Mac, it got more intense. My son, who has cerebral
palsy, has lung damage, (so) he was wearing a mask to keep the toxic
things in the air out of his lungs and make it easy for him to have
lungs after he left.\"

by -- Neil Young, Honor The Treaties 2014

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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