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Posts Tagged ‘Youngtown Museum’

Youngtown collection stays in public eye

Rock & Roll Museum exhibit now on display at Olde Gaol Museum and Archives in Lindsay.

108_Museum_opens_Youngtown_exhibit___ContentLINDSAY – Some might think it’s better to burn out, than to fade away, but T.R. Hosier has found a happy medium when it comes to his Youngtown Rock & Roll Museum, according to

After running the museum in Omemee for eight years, Hosier decided the time had come to close its doors.

“It’s run completely by volunteers and, to be honest, it just became too time-consuming and costly,” said Hosier. “It was a lot of fun, though. We had people from all over the world walk through the doors.”

But instead of completely closing the doors to the museum that pays tribute to Canadian rock icon Neil Young – he and his family lived in and near Omemee for many years –  Hosier has worked with the Victoria County Historical Society to develop an exhibit for the Olde Gaol Museum and Archives.

On long-term loan to the museum, the exhibit will feature highlights from Youngtown – roughly one-fifth of the collection – including the Young family piano, Neil Young’s guitar and autographed albums. Mr. Hosier plans to make small changes to the exhibit each year, hold special events and even offer select items for sale.

“We’re really excited to have this exhibit here,” said museum general manager David Wesley. “Neil Young is known all over the world. To be able to provide a home for part of this remarkable collection is a huge honour.”

The exhibit is already installed, but a special opening is set to take place Friday, March 27 at 4 p.m. A local Neil Young Tribute band will perform and several books written by and about the Canadian singer/songwriter will be raffled. Plans are also in the works to get him on Skype for comment.

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“I find somewhere
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