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Posts Tagged ‘Wild Tales’

Nash says Young has two faucets: “Hot and cold”

In his new memoir “Wild Tales” Graham Nash recalls

Singer Graham Nash prepares during the recording session for the audio book version of his Wild Tales: A Rock & Roll Life autobiography. Photograph by: Richard Drew  AP

Singer Graham Nash prepares during the recording session for the audio book version of his Wild Tales: A Rock & Roll Life autobiography.
Photograph by: Richard Drew AP

In an interview with Hillel Italie of The Associated Press that appeared in the Calgary Herald, Nash said: ““I love him to death. I’ll make music with him for the rest of my life, but he’s a very selfish man. Part of me admires the fact that he has the strength to follow his muse, but he doesn’t realize that there are other people involved in this world.”

Italie writes: “Few were so profoundly changed by rock ‘n roll and the 1960s as Nash, a child of working class, Second World War-era Britain who first became a star as a grinning harmony singer for the Hollies and, just as he feared he was locked into a life of screaming teenagers and two-minute love songs, let his hair down as part of Crosby, Stills and Nash.”

The article goes on to state that  Young is the book’s enigma and fatal attraction,. Nash sees his time with Young as a “long, strange trip” with a man whom he regards as having a heart with two faucets: hot and cold.

One tale from the cold side: Young’s memoir, Waging Heavy Peace, which came out in 2012.

“My ego got in the way,” Nash said during the interview when asked about the book. “When he talked about his wife’s dog more than he did about me and Stephen and David it pissed me off. I’ve made music with Neil Young for 40 years and I don’t deserve a better mention than as an appendage to his dog?”

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