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Posts Tagged ‘wedding’

Neil Young in Milwaukee for daughter’s wedding celebration

Singer-songwriter Neil Young will be in the Milwaukee area next week for the pre-wedding ceremonies of his daughter Amber Jean Young to a man with local ties, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported Wednesday.

The parents of the groom live in Menomonee Falls.

The wedding takes place in July in San Francisco, but  pre- and post-wedding events will be held locally, according to the groom’s father, chair and professor of economics at Marquette University. Young and his wife Pegi will be attending.

The groom, who was born in Kentucky and attended Brookfield Academy, is an investment banker in San Francisco. The bride is an artist in the San Francisco area.

Random Quote

The songs just happened. First thing in the morning, I\'d pick up a guitar, play two or three chords and go, \"That\'s the blueprint. That\'s what my soul told me, so that\'s what it is.\"
Then I\'d go to the studio. I would write the words, without guitar, in my car. I\'d keep stopping on the way -- write two verses, go a hundred yards, stop, write some more. I kept moving, and writing, until I got to the studio.
Whatever I had then, that was the song. \"Devil\'s Sidewalk\" -- the recording is the first time I sang it, the first time the band had ever heard it.

by Neil Young, Rolling Stone Interview, 4 Sept 2003.

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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