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Posts Tagged ‘Times Herald Record’

Bethel, New York Show: Long May he Run, setlist, videos



Neil Young and Promise of the Year have been tearing up the stage at each venue they hit on this Rebel Content Tour.

He’s another positive review from Steve Israel at the Times Herald Record. He calls the show “Riveting” that was held July 18 at Bethel Woods Center for the Arts in Bethel, New York.

Read on: “About 45 minutes into his riveting three-hour show at Bethel Woods Center for the Arts Friday night, Neil Young talked about the first time he played the site of the 1969 Woodstock festival, 46 years ago, with Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. Back then, the sloping hills of Max Yasgur’s dairy farm were a muddy mess, blanketed with 450,000 young, sweaty long-hairs, many of whom got in for free.

“On Friday, Young stood on the stage of the plush pavilion, where the top ticket cost $204.50, on grounds where the crowd of some 13,000 – many with gray hair – could wander on manicured lawns amid the flowing streams and blue stone walls of the arts center.

“I was here a long time ago,” he (Neil) said, after he and his muscular yet lithe band of youngsters, Promise of the Real, finished the 1992 gem, ‘Unknown Legend. “It was very different. I’m not saying good or bad. Just different.”

“Then, as if this relentless warrior of musical and social change couldn’t help himself, he slyly suggested something radical.

“He invited Woodstock veterans to the stage and, tongue in jowly cheek, mused that they jackhammer the cement in front of it so the crowd and Young could get closer to one another.”

Israel writes that the music on this summer night ranged from sweet, heart-aching solo acoustic tunes like “Harvest Moon” to the pulverizing electric power of guitar jams like “Cowgirl in the Sand.”

And, he said, the protest tunes from the new “The Monsanto Years” album may have paled next to the classics, substituting clunky platitudes for timeless poetics. But Young and Promise of the Real played them with a physical and emotional ferocity that often made the cliches vanish into the sweet summer air.


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Neil Young
Bethel Woods Center For The Arts, Bethel, New York, USA
w/ Promise Of The Real

01. After The Gold Rush
02. Heart Of Gold
03. Long May You Run
04. Old Man
05. Mother Earth (Natural Anthem)
06. Hold Back The Tears
07. Out On The Weekend
08. Unknown Legend
09. From Hank To Hendrix
10. Harvest Moon
11. Wolf Moon
12. Words
13. Winterlong
14. Walk On
15. A Rock Star Bucks A Coffee Shop
16. People Want To Hear About Love
17. A New Day For Love
18. Cowgirl In The Sand
19. Workin’ Man
20. Big Box
21. Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
22. Monsanto Years
23. If I Don’t Know
24. Love And Only Love

25. Roll Another Number

Tour: 2015 Rebel Content Tour
Band: Promise Of The Real

Neil Young – vocals, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, piano, pump organ,
Lukas Nelson – electric guitar, vocals
Micah Nelson – electric guitar, electric charango, piano, vocals
Corey McCormick – bass, vocals
Anthony Logerfo – drums
Tato Melgar – percussion

Thanks Tom Hambleton at  Sugar

Random Quote

\"What is it about JJ Cale’s playing? I mean, you could say Eric
Clapton’s the guitar god, but... he can\'t play like JJ,\" Young told
biographer Jimmy McDonough. \"JJ’s the one who played all that s---
first... And he doesn’t play very loud, either — I really like that
about him. He’s so sensitive. Of all the players I ever heard, it’s
gotta be Hendrix and JJ Cale who are the best electric guitar players.
JJ’s my peer, but he doesn’t have the business acumen — he doesn’t have the idea of how to deal with the rest of the world that I do. But
musically, he’s actually more than my peer, because he’s got that thing.
I don’t know what it is.\"

by -- Neil Young Jimmy McDonough in \"Shakey.\"

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Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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