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Posts Tagged ‘Scott Young’

Happiness hoped for in New Year

xmas-NeilHappy Xmas, Ymas to all the Zumans along the Human Highway.

2017 was a rough year for this planet. We could expand on this ad nauseam.

Instead, here’s an excerpt from a Christmas story by Scott Young about his son, Neil Young, found in the book: “Home for Christmas, and other stories”  on the blog, “The Dusty Bookcase” by Brian Busby.

Almost everyone has his own favorite Christmas story. I believe that I am particularly lucky in that my favorite concerns one of my sons. He is 19 now, a little taller than I am and a lot thinner. But this story happened six yard ago when he was 13 and delivered a Globe and Mail route on Brookdale Avenue in North Toronto.
I used to hear him almost every morning at six when he wakened. Usually the two hours after he left were my soundest sleep of the night.
On the rare occasions when he overslept, this built-in alarm mechanism in my mind brought me awake about the time he should have been moving. When I could not hear him I would tiptoe to his room and say, “Neil”.
“Yes,” he’d say instantly, sitting upright in bed, wide awake.
“I guess you overslept.”
“Guess I did.”
But on this Christmas morning of 1958 he was up on time and, like all other Globe and Mail boys up that morning, rose when the world was black and cold.
He made the blind trip to the bathroom and sleepily began to pull on his clothes.
Downstairs, he stood for a moment and looked at the stacked and laden Christmas tree, did the slow march past it, stopped to shake a parcel or two and stood like a robin to listen, and then went on.
A glass of milk and a brief forage in the refrigerator, and then on with his ear-covering cap and his scarf and parka and overshoes and mitts, on that ice-cold bicycle seat and down the driveway to pedal into the morning alone.


Enjoy life with those who can feel your love.






Rassy Ragland-Mother of an Icon

4898120The Winnebago Free Press offers a glimpse into the life of Neil Young’s mother, Rassy Ragland, who was a panelist on a a popular quiz show.

The article states: “Rassy Young was a truly unique character. “She was absolutely herself and I enjoyed her immensely,” recalled friend Nola Halter. “She was so funny, marvellously witty and very zany. She had a little blue English car which she drove in the wrong gear, in the wrong speed, in the middle of two lanes, swearing her head off at all these other drivers who got in her way. The road was hers.”

She bought Neil a Gretsch guitar and a Fender amplifier when requests to his father were rebuffed.

“She was absolutely hilarious when she phoned me and told me that Neiler had bought a hearse [Mort],” laughed Nola. “In that droll manner she had she said, ‘Well, if that’s what the kid wants.'”

It’s fitting that Neil seems so comfortable in the limelight these days: concert tours, talk shows about his book, documentary films, cruising the country in his Lincvolt. His parents were both celebrities, his father Scott Young, a Canadian writer/broadcaster.

Read more at:


Random Quote

When the change came, And you had a Chance to see through me Though the other side is just the same
by -- Neil Young

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Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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