Enjoy the latest musical release by Neil Young and the Nelson brothers from Promise of the Real, along with your Independence Day festivities.
According to Rolling Stone,”Children of Destiny” is directed by Shakey Pictures, combines footage of recent large-scale protests alongside patriotic imagery like children waving American flags and Fourth of July cookouts.
“Preserve the land and save the seas for the children of destiny / The children of you and me,” Young sings on the track. “Stand up for what you believe / Resist the powers that be / Preserve the ways of democracy so the children can be free.”
If you haven’t checked out Neil Young’s video “My Pledge,” do it now.
Rolling Stone writes: “The clip opens on a pile of old letters and notices that are cleared to make room for a piece of lined paper that begins to fill with Young’s words, which he both speaks and sings with thick Auto-Tune throughout ‘My Pledge.’
The initial letter is folded into a paper boat and sent across a sea of stamps, after which Young’s vivid lyrics and the images and people they evoke – including Jimi Hendrix, John F. Kennedy and Florence Nightingale – appear on an array of postcards.”
“We made a live record and every creature on the planet seemed to show up,” Neil Young writes of 98-minute uninterrupted album
Neil Young’s upcoming album Earth (in stores June 17th) is one of the most unconventional releases in his long catalog, according to Rolling Stone.
On May 6th, Young will unveil Earth at the Natural History Museum Los Angles County’s First Fridays series.
The album features 11 songs from his 2015 tour with Promise of the Real mixed with sounds of the Earth.
“Our animal kingdom is well represented in the audience,” Young said in a statement.“And the animals, insects, birds, and mammals actually take over the performances of the songs at times.”
1. “People Want to Hear About Love” (from The Monsanto Years)
2. “Big Box” (from The Monsanto Years)
3. “Mother Earth” (from Ragged Glory)
4. “The Monsanto Years” (from The Monsanto Years)
5. “I Won’t Quit” (previously unreleased)
6. “Western Hero” (from Sleeps With Angels)
7. “Vampire Blues” (from On The Beach)
8. “Hippie Dream” (from Landing On Water)
9. “After The Gold Rush” (from After The Gold Rush)
10. “Wolf Moon” (from The Monsanto Years)
11. “Love & Only Love” (from Ragged Glory)
An article in Rolling Stone dated July 24 is reporting that Monsanto has issued a statement regarding Neil Young’s new short film: “Seeding Fear,” an anti-GMO documentary featuring a farmer named Michael White.
According to Monsanto, as quoted in Rolling Stone:
“Mr. White is not transparent in describing his actions or the situation,” a rep for the company tells Rolling Stone. “He actually admitted to knowingly planting, producing, saving, cleaning and selling Roundup Ready soybeans illegally. All of this information is available in court documents.
“Protecting patents and copyrights can be difficult in any business – including the entertainment industry,” the rep continues. “Mr. White’s actions are equivalent to pirating an album, producing thousands of copies and selling bootleg copies – all while knowing what you’re doing is illegal and that it will result in criminal charges if caught.”
The rep also referenced a LinkedIn blog by Monsanto’s chief technology officer, Robb Fraley, in which he responded to Young. “Here’s an invitation to establish that dialogue with Neil Young,” Fraley wrote. “I invite him to visit our company and talk with us about what we’re doing.” The rep also provided a link to another blog, hosted on the Monsanto website, titled “Correcting The Monsanto Years,” published earlier this month in response to the album Young put out this year, which attacks the company.
Rolling Stone writer Joseph Huff-Hannon a cross-country caravan called the Apache Stronghold, made up of dozens of activists and supporters of the Arizona San Carlos Apache tribe. The group is calling out a mining industry land grab rammed through Congress last December.
Starting at Red Rocks earlier this month, and in venues across the country since, the Apache have been linking up with Neil Young on the road, sharing their stories and singing prayer songs to thousands of audience members.
“Whatever happens when the Internet guy shows up, Young has found a direction for the future. ” by -- Neil Young 2010
Neil Young on Tour
Sugar Mountain setlists
Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.