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Posts Tagged ‘Peace Trail’

“That’s my pledge, judge”

If you haven’t checked out Neil Young’s video “My Pledge,” do it now.

Rolling Stone writes:  “The clip opens on a pile of old letters and notices that are cleared to make room for a piece of lined paper that begins to fill with Young’s words, which he both speaks and sings with thick Auto-Tune throughout ‘My Pledge.’

The initial letter is folded into a paper boat and sent across a sea of stamps, after which Young’s vivid lyrics and the images and people they evoke – including Jimi Hendrix, John F. Kennedy and Florence Nightingale – appear on an array of postcards.”

It’s a beauty, very haunting.

The song is include on the album: “Peace Trail.”


Hacked By Imam

Hacked By Imam with Love

Random Quote

\"\'Crazy Mama\' by JJ Cale is a record I love. The song is true, simple, and direct, and the delivery is very natural.\" (The song was the closest thing Cale had to a hit single, peaking at No. 22 on the Billboard chart in 1971.) \"JJ’s guitar playing is a huge influence on me,\" Young continued. \"His touch is unspeakable. I am stunned by it.\"
by -- Neil Young in \"Waging Heavy Peace\"

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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