Posts Tagged ‘ottawa’
Written by Shar on 25 August 2013
The Ottawa Citizen has announced that City and Colour will replace Neil Young and Crazy Horse at the Ottawa Folk Festival on Sept. 4.
The Juno-winning band led by Canadian singer-songwriter Dallas Green has agreed to step into the headlining slot of the festival’s opening night, the newspaper writes.
Organizers had to scramble after losing Young, who cancelled his North American dates to give guitarist Frank “Poncho” Sampedro more time to heal after breaking his hand earlier this month.
“It’s definitely been a challenging week, but I’d say I’m very pleased that Dallas Green (City and Colour) could accommodate us on such short notice,” says festival executive/programming director Mark Monahan in a news release. “He’ll make a great opening night for the festival.”
Young’s tour mate, Patti Smith, will also perform, as originally scheduled, accompanied by her band.
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Tags: Alchemy Tour, crazy horse, ottawa, Patti Smith, tour dates
Posted in Crazy Horse, News / Article, Tour dates & Info | Comments Off on City and Colour to open Ottawa Fest-replace Neil & the Horse
Written by Shar on 11 August 2013
Despite Frank “Poncho” Sampedro’s reportedly broken hand, Neil and the Horse will open the four-day Ottawa festival on Wednesday, Sept. 4 at Hog’s Back Park, the Ottawa Citizen is reporting.
After a show in Oslo, Norway, Young called off the remaining seven shows of his British and European tour to allow Sampedro time to heal.
RBC Royal Bank Bluesfest executive and artistic director Mark Monahan told the Citizen: “What I understand is he had a mild fracture, and they don’t anticipate missing the North American tour.”
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Tags: Folk Fest, ottawa
Posted in Crazy Horse, News / Article, Tour dates & Info | Comments Off on Neil & The Horse will play Ottawa Folk Fest
Written by bnbrainer on 16 December 2012
here is moar stuff on Ottawa, Ontario, thanks to Geoff:

In a world where the Rolling Stones was a parody of itself a quarter century ago, and when so many other Baby Boomer favourites have gathered together their artificial hips and toupees to go on the road for yet another payday (I saw the Who’s em “farewell” tour in 1982!, for god’s sake), it is not just a pleasure but almost a shock to consider Neil Young and Crazy Horse.
It’s been nearly a month since I saw them on-stage in Ottawa and in that time (thanks in part to the miracle of cell-phone cameras and the internet) that performance has only grown more vivid in my mind’s ear.
Yes, the Horse played some old favourites — a powerful version of Cinnamon Girl, an hysterically profane Fuckin’ Up and a haunting Cortez the Killer come to mind — but the show was just as much about where Neil Young and his old friends are today as it was about where they have been.
The playing was everything you’d expect from Crazy Horse, but they had a presence in the present that belied the age of the players. These old men were looking forward from the now, not looking back at what they once had been.
Full review lives at Edifice Rex Online:
Tags: crazy horse, ottawa
Posted in Concert Reviews, News / Article | Comments Off on Ottawa 2012 fan review, part II
Written by bnbrainer on 16 December 2012
A couple of weeks ago, I broke a vow I made nearly a quarter-century ago, when I walked out on a Rolling Stones concert, bored out of my skull watching a bunch of ageing rockers fake it for the big bucks.
Never again!, I swore, no more stadiums, no more arenas! Rock and roll is meant for bars or – maybe – an outdoor amphitheatre. (And Dylan was great at one such venue by Lake Ontario.)
But when I learned Neil Young and Crazy Horse were coming to Ottawa, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to make right a similar, but far more misguided, walk-out. When I was a naive 15 year-old (or was I 16?), and knew Neil Young as only a folk-singer with an acoustic guitar and a harmonica, Rust Never Sleeps nearly broke my brain.
I not only walked out of the theatre in outrage at the shrieking feedback and howling, tortured strings — I demanded my money back!
More fool I. But I’ve grown up a little since 1981.
I’ve written about that memory in some detail here:
And about the powerful, moving and frankly mind-blowing, full-sensory theatrical experience that was Neil and the Horse’s 2012 Ottawa concert here:
Thanks for the opportunity to post here, and for the site in general. As someone who has gone from liking Neil (quite a bit) to being a fan, it looks to be a marvellous resource.
By Geoffrey Dow.
Tags: alchemy, crazy horse, ottawa
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