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Posts Tagged ‘Neil Young & Crazy Horse’

Monaco Tour Date added

The 2014 European Monaco Tour of Neil Young & Crazy Horse has a new concert date scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 7 at the MC Sporting Summer Festival in Monaco.

Ticket information is available here:—CRAZY-HORSE-MSS7A.htm

The summer tour starts on July 7 in Iceland and continues through Aug. 8 in Alsace, France.

See the schedule here:


updated Iceland: tourdate Neil Young and Crazy Horse

Alchemy Tour logo


Neil Young & Crazy Horse

07 Jul 2014 , Laugardalshöllin, Iceland

Tickets On Sale 10am Monday 10th February; 95 and 115 Euro

Neil Young & Crazy Horse to play Iceland on July 7th

05 Feb 2014 13:30

It is a great honour for ATP to announce that Neil Young & Crazy Horse will perform their first ever show in Iceland on July 7th 2014. The show will take place at Laugardalshöllin in Reykjavík on the Monday before ATP Iceland, which will be held from July 10th – 12th.

:: Read More:

:: trailer


another EuroTour-Date: Istanbul

Alchemy Tour logo


Alchemy 2014 tour, back in Europe, Neil Young and Crazy Horse

15 July, Istanbul, Turkey, KüçükÇiftlik Park – details: .


see all current known and rumoured tour dates on |

new tour date: Alchemy 2014 – Denmark

Alchemy Tour logo


New tour date for the European Alchemy tour 2014, Neil Young and Crazy Horse:

30 July 2014 / 20:00

:: Forum Copenhagen

Julius Thomsens Plads 1 1925 Frederiksberg, Denmark



Tickets not on sale yet:
Exclusive Presale for those who had bought tickets for the canceled concert in Auguststarts on Monday, 3 July

Standard Presale periode:
Start tor, 06/02/14 10:00
Slut ons, 30/07/14 20:00

thanks to Tim

Alchemy tour 2014 update

Alchemy Tour logo


for long felt wishes:

Alchemy 2014, back in Europe, Neil Young and Crazy Horse

10 July, Live at the Marquee Cork, Ireland – tickets on sale at 9 a.m. Monday, December 16.

12 July, London, Hyde Park, UK

20 July, Ulm, Germany, Schwoerenfest Open Airtix on sale

23 July, Vienna, Austria, Stadthalle – tix on sale

25 July, Mönchengladbach, Germany, WARSTEINER HockeyPark 19:00 Uhrtix on sale

26 July, Dresden, Germany, Filmfest am Elbufer – tix on sale

28 July, Mainz, Germany, Zollhafen – tix on sale

1 August, Bergen, Norway – tix on sale

5 August, Lokerse Feesten in Lokeren, Belgiumfull 2-hour concert set. It will be their last show in the European Tour 2014. – tix on sale

Please always check out the BNB tour dates page. Greets to Roland and Alex. Merry Christmas. You can interactively comment on this site.

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I feel like I just woke up from a bad dream
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Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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