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Posts Tagged ‘movie’

Neil Young concert documentary ‘Neil Young Life’ coming to TIFF 2011 says: We’ve been telling you for years that the Toronto
International Film Festival rocks, but this year it will be louder than ever.

After revealing that the 36th annual TIFF would open with the world premiere of David Guggenheim’s U2 documentary “From the Sky Down” and also screen Cameron Crowe’s Peal Jam doc “Pearl Jam Twenty,” THR reports that TIFF programmers are poised to announce the addition of Jonathan Demme’s latest Neil Young documentary to its musical lineup.

The trade said this concert video will complete Demme’s trilogy, which also includes “Neil Young: Heart of Gold” and “Neil Young Trunk Show.”

As the trade states, Demme’s concert film “was shot last May over two nights at Massey Hall in Toronto, and captured Young’s Le Noise solo tour produced by Daniel Lanois.”

This builds on the classic-rock icons TIFF has brought to the superior film festival over the years. Anyone who attended last year’s Bruce Springsteen interview, conducted by Edward Norton, knows that at TIFF, movies and music often share a harmonious, creative marriage. Now that U2, Pearl Jam and Neil Young are on the docket, there’s no reason to believe TIFF 2011 will be any different.

Ed2 note: Where is the “Trunk show” ???

Random Quote

“\"I want my grandchildren to grow
up and look up and see a blue sky and have dreams that their
grandchildren are going to do great things,\" he added later. \"And I
don\'t see that today in Canada. I see a government just completely out
of control.
\"Money is number one. Integrity isn\'t even on the map.\"”
by -- Neil Young

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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