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Posts Tagged ‘Mobile Enterprise’

Young pushing Pono at CES 2015

American-Stars-n-BarsNeil Young will be in Los Vegas tomorrow pushing his Pono music device at 2015 International CES.

According to Mobile Enterprise, Rock icon Neil Young and PonoMusic will hold a special press briefing on High Resolution Audio on Tuesday, January 6 from 3:30-4:30 PM at the Hi-Res Audio Workshop. Limited seating is available.

In addition, Young will share his passion for high-res music in a SuperSession led by Rolling Stone executive editor Nathan Brackett on Wednesday, January 7 from 10:15-11:15AM.

New products are meant to be in the spotlight, but celebrities could steal the show at the 2015 International CES. The event will feature Hollywood stars, TV personalities, professional athletes and musical icons promoting the latest innovations revolutionizing the ways consumers live, work, play, connect and access information,  according to Mobile Enterprise.

Owned and produced by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), the 2015 CES, the world’s gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technologies, will run January 6-9, in Las Vegas.

Wonder wh0 Neil will bring along? This should be good…there’s a long line-up of stars, like American Stars ‘n Bars, or something like that.

What EVER happened to: Revolution Blues: “Well I hear that Laurel Canyon is filled with famous stars…”

That was someone else singing in a third person character…

This sounds interesting: “Theoretical physicist, bestselling author, acclaimed public speaker, renowned futurist and popularizer of science Dr. Michio Kaku will attend Toyota’s press conference during the official CES Press Day on Monday, January 5.”

See the rich and famous line-up at:




Random Quote

Young, in fact, now has no peers when it comes to being rock\'s Angry Old Man: He\'s clearly the crankiest of them all. Only Randy Newman is within spitting distance.
by -- Neil Young

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