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Posts Tagged ‘Journeys’

Videos from TIFF

at TIFF, Canada, 11 September 2011:
Pearl Jam featuring Neil Young – “Rocking in the Free World”

Neil Young joins Pearl Jam on their final song of the night at the ACC

sound is a bit distorted…

  • Neil Young on the red carpet on Vimeo




“NEIL YOUNG JOURNEYS”, this is the tracklist to the new movie by Johnathan Demme. Aired at TIFF Canada, 12 September.

1.    Peaceful Valley Boulevard
2.    Ohio
3.    Down by the River
4.    Sign of Love
5.    Rumbling
6.    Love and War
7.    Leia
8.    After the Gold Rush
9.    I Believe in You
10.  My, My, Hey, Hey (Out of the Blue)
11.  You Never Call
12.  Hitchhiker
13.  Walk With Me

Also… “Helpless” was played while the end credits were rolling.
thanks to Sharry (Up in T.O. keepin’ jive alive)

Neil Young’s “Journeys” movie by Demme to screen

Tomorrow, Monday 12 Sept, the new movie by Jonathan Demme about 2011 Massey Hall shows will screen at the Toronto film festival TIFF. Location: “Princess of Wales” – nice name. More info on NeilYoungTimes/news. Our special reporter Sharry is on scene.

Neil Young and J. Demme Sundance interview

neil demme sundance 2006 interview
Neil and Demme talk fun in this 2006 interview from Sundance festival. On Unscripted. [thanx to Thrasher and Falko for undigging it]

Random Quote

Neil: These days it\'s all about closure of this and that for me. I have too many things to finish. How can I move on until I clean that slate? My film Human Highway [made in 1982] is one of those things. It should be available to the public. Dean Stockwell and Russell Tamblyn, my old friends from Topanga Canyon, and Dennis Hopper, a good old friend, were in this movie with me, and we wrote the dialogue as we went along. It is the dorkiest damn movie ever, and it walks a very fine line right on the edge of being too dorky. Some may say it falls over that line. The film was never put to rest to my satisfaction. When I finish something, I want it to be right, or as right as it can be.
by --Neil Young, 2012 interview with Costco

Neil Young on Tour

  • Neil Young on Tour

Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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