10.000 Photos of Neil Young
update: here are some more examples of Joel Bernstein’s and Henry Diltz’ b/w splendid pictures of Neil: “Henry Diltz and Joel Bernstein: Neil Young“.
You think you know Neil Young, eh?
Nobody knows Neil Young quite like Joel Bernstein.
Bernstein, a respected rock and roll photographer and Young archivist, estimates that he has snapped some 10,000 photos of Young over the years. Bernstein also reckons that he spent “19.5 years – and one day” in his task of archiving Young’s recordings.
“Neil is like a lighthouse beam. He has an incredibly intense focus in a very narrow area to the exclusion of all else,” Bernstein told me one evening last week at a well attended exhibit of photos by Bernstein and Henry Diltz at the Morrison Hotel Gallery.
more on Wall Street Journal Blog…