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RIP Joe Cocker

joe-cockerJoe Cocker and Neil Young both played at Woodstock in 1969.

Singer Joe Cocker, 70, best known for his cover of The Beatles’ With A Little Help From My Friends, died on Monday, Dec. 22, 2014.

The Sheffield-born singer had a career lasting more than 40 years, with hits including You Are So Beautiful and Up Where We Belong, according to a nice tribute write-up by the BBC News.

His agent Barrie Marshall said Cocker, who died after battling lung cancer, was “simply unique”.

Sir Paul McCartney said he was a lovely guy who “brought so much to the world”.

Cocker’s friend Rick Wakeman, keyboard player for the rock band Yes, called his rendition of With a Little Help From My Friends “sensational” and said: “He had a voice that was just unique.”

Wakeman told BBC Radio 2: “The great thing is with someone like Joe is what they leave behind, and that will be with us for years and years.”

Musician friends say Cocker will remain “Etched in our memories.”

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