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Posts Tagged ‘Horseback’

“Americana” BlueRay coming

Neil writes on his “NY Times”:

May 7, 2012
For those of you who want to hear 100 %, of the audio, the Americana Bluray is the place to get it. Even the new “mastered for I-tunes” tracks available of CrazyHorse’s Americana will have only 5% of the original audio while the CD has just 15%. The Bluray has 100%. On the Bluray you can hear all of the nuances of the CrazyHorse sound exactly as recorded by John Hanlon at Audio Casablanca Studio. If you want the best, now you have a choice. The Americana Bluray also contains 12 videos of the Americana songs, with an alternate version of “Clementine,” plus documentary footage of the Americana choir as it was being recorded at East West Studios in LA.
The only other place to get the quality audio is the vinyl Americana, which originates from the original audio masters.
video imageClick here to see the Audio Casablanca studio as it plays back “Horseback,” although you will not be hearing the audio quality on this lo res MP3 stream. ”

This is actually the 37 min version of “Horseback”, linked here recently; it has parts of Cortez et al.

Cortez video

Cortez something to digest:

Random Quote

When the change came, And you had a Chance to see through me.
Though the other side is just the same

by — Neil Young
update: the 37 min “Horseback” video by Neil Young and Crazy Horese is here.

Random Quote

“The same thing
that makes you living
can kill you in the end.”
by -- Neil Young

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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