Posts Tagged ‘environment’
Written by Shar on 19 June 2015
Neil Young used to dig Picasso, but now he is really digging Pope Francis.
In a message today, June 19 posted on his Facebook page ( he lauds the pious Catholic’s take on the world, taking to heart his just released 120-page encyclical.
Here is Neil’s Message:
Yesterday Pope Francis released his 120 page encyclical.
These words of wisdom resonated strongly with me
And fill me with gratitude.
His words bring welcome support to millions who yearn to do the right thing and be part of the rescue of our fragile shared home singulair asthma.
His powerful message gives me hope that being moved by his call, his followers will help turn the tide by beginning the urgent work of employing solutions that will address the social, economic and environmental crisis we face.
Pope Francis has given us a map for navigating these times
A few of his words –
I invite all to pause to think about the challenges we face regarding care for our common home.
There is a need to seek other ways of understanding the economy and progress.
We need only to take a frank look at the facts to see that our common home is falling into serious disrepair.
We are learning all too slowly the lessons of environmental deterioration.
Whatever is fragile, like the environment, is defenceless before the interests of a deified market. Economic interests easily end up trumping the common good.
The present world system is certainly unsustainable from a number of points of view.
A fragile world challenges us to devise intelligent ways of directing, developing and limiting our power.
Climate change represents one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our day.
These problems are closely linked to a throwaway culture.
The human environment and the natural environment deteriorate together.
A true “ecological debt” exists, particularly between the global north and south.
Developed countries ought to help pay this debt by limiting their consumption of nonrenewable energy.
Reducing greenhouse gases requires honesty, courage and responsibility.
For indigenous communities, land is not a commodity, but a gift from God, a sacred space.
Each community has the duty to protect the earth and to ensure its fruitfulness for coming generations.
The world we have received also belongs to who will follow us.
Leaving an inhabitable planet to future generations is, first and foremost, up to us.
Interdependence obliges us to think of one world with a common plan.
There is an urgent need for us to move forward in a bold cultural revolution.
There is no room for the globalization of indifference.
Let us sing as we go. May our struggles and our concern for this planet never take away the joy of our hope.
Read the entire encyclical here: Francis Encyclical
Tags: Catholic, encyclical, environment, Pope Francis
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Written by Shar on 20 January 2014
Singer Neil Young says his controversial anti-oilsands tour has passed its $75,000 goal to raise money for a northern Alberta reserve’s fight against oilsands development, according to Huffpostmusic Canada.
“The tour has been a great success,” Young said at a press conference today in Calgary, just prior to the last of four fundraising concerts.
“Awareness was raised. Now Canada must respond in the courts,” he added, referring to a lawsuit launched by the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation against Shell Canada’s expansion of its Jackpine mine, a project even Ottawa has admitted will likely cause significant adverse environmental effects.”
Proceeds from Young’s tour will support the first nation’s legal defence fund.
Read more at:
Tags: Alberta oil sands, Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, Canada, environment, Honor the Treaties
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Written by Shar on 11 December 2013
Shanghai warned children and the elderly to stay indoors for at least a seventh day this month, intensifying pressure on local authorities to control the worst smog since government monitoring began last year.
That prompted the government to order cars off the road and factories to cut production.
If the planet is “Mother Earth” Neil Young has become “Father Environment” – his most recent post at about the air pollution in China’s city of Shanghai.
Here is Neil’s message, Looks like he is writing from his home in Hawaii. Nice time of year to be there, on the beach.
Whenever you do something good in the war against CO2, people around the world benefit. Everyone benefits.
Neil Young Hawaii, USA
Hundreds of flights were delayed or cancelled on Friday in China’s commercial hub of Shanghai as record levels of air pollution shrouded the city in smog, prompting authorities to issue the highest level of health warning.
The incident is especially embarrassing at a time when China seeks to build Shanghai into a global business hub on par with the likes of London, New York and Hong Kong by 2020.
On Friday afternoon, the Shanghai government issued its severest health warning as the city’s pollution index ranged between 23 times and 31 times the levels recommended by international health officials.
In the first such advice since a new health warning system was launched in April, authorities urged residents to stay indoors and asked factories to either cut or halt production.
The unusually noxious haze was caused by several factors, including industrial pollution and auto emissions trapped by cold, windless weather, said Xu Bin, an associate professor at Shanghai’s Tongji University.
By 2 a.m. ET Friday, the level of PM2.5 particulate matter, or tiny particles in the air that are the most hazardous to health, reached a “severely polluted” 466, according to the Shanghai government’s monitoring website.
A similar measure by the U.S. Consulate in Shanghai showed a reading of 503, a level described as being beyond the index on its website.
Levels above 300 are considered hazardous, while the World Health Organization recommends a daily level of no more than 20.
More here.
Didi Tang and Eugene Hoshiko, Reuters Shanghai, China
Tags: air pollution, China, environment,, Shanghai
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Written by Shar on 29 November 2013
Neil Young’s Thanksgiving message
Neil Young’s message for this holiday is an environmental/political one targeted at the health of his homeland:
Today, I am thankful for all of the people world wide who work tirelessly for a good future on Planet Earth. And to my Canadian friends I say this, along with Elizabeth May:
STEPHEN HARPER IS NOT CANADA. When he became Prime Minister, he cancelled all climate programmes, repudiated our Kyoto targets, chose far weaker targets, weakened them again, legally withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol, and then failed to meet the weaker targets.
Harper’s Conservatives now compete with Australia’s pro-coal government for the worst climate record in the industrialized world. As a result Canada’s international reputation has been severely damaged, but I must emphasise again: STEPHEN HARPER IS NOT CANADA.
80% of Canadians want climate action. 80% of Canadians continue to be very concerned about tackling the climate crisis. It is not too late — Canada can be part of an international solution, we can repair our reputation on the world stage. We cannot give up on our own and our children’s future with a collective shrug.
Neil Young Thanksgiving Day
California, U.S.A.
Tags: Canada, Climate, environment, Stephen Harper, Thanksgiving
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Written by bnbrainer on 22 September 2013

Rocker Neil Young continues criticism of Keystone XL at Farm-Aid
Joe Pavia Sep 21, 2013 03:42:22 PM
Neil Young is continuing his verbal assault on the Alberta oilsands.
Young called the oil the dirtiest in the world this weekend at the annual Farm-Aid Concert in Saratoga Springs, New York.
He touched on Fort McMurray while telling a story about a cross-country drive he took in his electric car, bringing up the subject in support of farmers on the front line of climate change.
“The farmer wakes up in the morning and figures out ‘what the hell can I do with this mess now?’” he said. “This fuel is going to be shipped to China and Asia, don’t think this fuel is for America, it’s not.”
“The reason I am talking about that ugly situation is because the farmers again are the solution to the problem.”
Earlier this month, Young compared Fort McMurray to post-apocalyptic Hiroshima.
“They have the dirtiest oil in the world, where the Keystone pipeline is going to originate and cut through our country through our back lawns and through our farms all the way to a free trade zone in Port Arthur, Texas,” Young said.
Premier Alison Redford recently dismissed Young’s criticism, along with those of actor Robert Redford this month, saying it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone and that we need to have a conversation on facts.
“I’ve really got to question how people who are using energy flying on planes can make these sorts of comments and assume that they are going to have any credibility,” Redford said Tuesday.
Young called the oil the dirtiest in the world this weekend at the annual Farm-Aid Concert in Saratoga Springs, New York.
He touched on Fort McMurray while telling a story about a cross-country drive he took in his electric car, bringing up the subject in support of farmers on the front line of climate change.
“The farmer wakes up in the morning and figures out ‘what the hell can I do with this mess now?’” he said. “This fuel is going to be shipped to China and Asia, don’t think this fuel is for America, it’s not.”
Tags: Alberta oil sands, environment, farm aid, farmaid
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