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Posts Tagged ‘copyright’

The Doors and Neil Young cleared to be played on BBC radio

22003_609620649059624_1601057192_nThe Guardian is reporting that a corporation has settled the licensing disagreement that forced them to ban DJs from playing the artists’ music on the BBC network.

According to the article, earlier this month, the Guardian reported that the BBC had told DJs and program makers to stop using music by four acts – the Doors, Young, Journey and Bonnie Raitt – because all four had withdrawn from the Mechanical Copyright Protection Society (MCPS), meaning the BBC could not pay them for plays under its collective agreement with MCPS and therefore could not play their music without breaching copyright.

The ban extended to covers of those artists’s songs and tracks that sampled them.

BBC tells DJ’s don’t play Neil Young

Neil with hands upThe BBC has told its producers and DJs not to play music by Neil Young, the Doors, Journey or Bonnie Raitt – or any cover versions of their songs, or tracks sampling them, The Guardian is reporting.

In the meantime, the BBC has issued the following instruction with immediate effect:

“You can NOT use tracks by these composers on the radio and/or online.
You can NOT use tracks by these composers whether they are originals or covers.
You can NOT use the lyrics.
You can NOT put performances using these compositions on line.
You can NOT use tracks which include samples of these compositions e.g. Tracks by Skrillex/Chase & Status
You can NOT use clips which include any compositions by these composers.”

Naomi Asher, president of Wixen UK, told the Guardian that Neil Young had in fact withdrawn from MCPS in 2002.

Read more at:

Random Quote

“\"I want my grandchildren to grow
up and look up and see a blue sky and have dreams that their
grandchildren are going to do great things,\" he added later. \"And I
don\'t see that today in Canada. I see a government just completely out
of control.
\"Money is number one. Integrity isn\'t even on the map.\"”
by -- Neil Young

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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