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Crosby talks CSNY 1974 live package, maybe tour?


Wembley Stadium, London, Sept. 14, 1974

 David Crosby talks to Rolling Stone about his upcoming tour, a possible CSNY 1974 live package, and wonders about a CSN&Y tour, after a stint at the recent Bridge School concert turned out “so good.”

 The group played their first gig since 2006 at the Bridge School Benefit in late October. Did Young bring up the possibility of a tour at any point?

According to the RS interview:  “No,” says Crosby. “He was, as usual, concentrating on the music. But you know Neil, he’s got his antennas up. He is paying attention. He may not look like it, but he is. The shows felt really good, so that bodes well. We have no idea though. I stress that. I repeat that. We have no idea.”

Crosby goes on: ” It would be nice to know sometime soon, but I can’t torture myself about it . . . I would dearly love for it to happen, but it’s not up to me. I’m not in charge. I do think there is more music to be made, really good music. I love it when it’s just the four of us onstage with acoustic guitars, a piano and a pump organ. That’s because it becomes all about the songs. It really strips it all down.” 

 Crosby is convinced that the long-awaited box set from their 1974 reunion tour will finally come out.

“It should come out in March or April, something like that,” he says. “It got pushed back for good reason. We’re gonna put a DVD with it. We have pieces from about eight separate shows.” There is a complete film of their tour-closing marathon show at London’s Wembley Stadium, but don’t expect that to make it onto the package. “Nope,” says Crosby. “We were a little too jittery that night.”

Read more:

“It’s going to fuckin’ stun people.”

csny-306-1366054433-jpg_212240The above quote came from Graham Nash, and he’s talking about the  release of a live CSN&Y album from their 1974 reunion tour.

Tentative release date is Aug. 27.

Andy Greene from the Rolling Stone writes:

They have yet to settle on a title. “I want to call it What Could Possibly Go Wrong?” says Crosby. “I’m going to dig my heels and seriously fight for that. You can’t hear that without laughing your head off. It’s important to look at yourselves with a sense of humor in retrospect and realize what gigantic egos we had and what idiots we were. But I think it’s a great title. If I don’t get it, I’ll threaten to quit the band – at which point I’ll be reminded that there’s no band to quit!”

The 1974 tour wrapped at London’s Wembley Stadium on September 14th. They filmed that night and at least one other, but don’t expect to see any video footage in this package. “I don’t think Neil’s gonna go for that,” says Crosby. “He doesn’t like the way he looked. He doesn’t like his haircut on that tour.”

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young haven’t toured in seven years. “What do we do after this live album comes out?” asks Nash. “Do we just let it lie there and fucking die, or do we do limited promotion? That’s not cowardly, but that’s not the way to do it. In my perfect world – and I’m only talking about what I would do – I would delay the release of this until the spring of 2014. I would ask David and Stephen and Neil to take three months off their busy lives and go out on tour to promote this record.”

Read more at:–stills–nash—young-to-release-long-awaited-1974-live-album-in-august-212637673.html

Random Quote

You gotta keep changing. Shirts, old ladies, whatever, I\\\'d rather keep changing and lose a lot of people along the way. If that\\\'s the price, I\\\'ll pay it. I don\\\'t give a shit if my audience is a hundred or a hundred million. It doesn\\\'t make any difference to me. I\\\'m convinced that what sells and what I do are two completely different things. If they meet, it\\\'s coincidence.
by NY, from the Cameron Crowe Rolling Stone interview, Aug 14, 1975.

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