BNB mailing list

  • BNB mailing list



Sorry, I cannot figure out how to post something on your blog and not show my email address. Can you tell me how to do so?

  • – you can use the “comment function” for each post – it does NOT  show your email@ on the webpage; it’s just required for the comment form  (only us admins can see it); if you don’t trust us, just enter any fake email@ (like – this will work as well.
  • – for rather short shouts, use the shoutbox at the bottom left.  Again, no real name or email@ required.
  • – for articles or other lengthy submissions, please use the contact form in the top-bar of this site *klick*. This site will never publish any of your email addresses, unless you explicitly want it and we regard it as appropriate.


What can I post on this blog?

  • You can post whatever you want as long as it is Neil-Young-related. And Neil Young, of course, does cover a very broad spectrum. It can be political or romantic or critical or musical or alienatical or whatever…


Can I post a URL/photo/video on this blog? And if, how do i do it?

  • Yes, you can. But let it be Neil-related. The comment form allows HTML code. So you either write it in by yourself or we do it for you. For any third-party content which goes beyond the Freedom-of-Information-Act, copyright and intellectual property issues have to be respected. Use Creative-Commons licences. Your original content is always welcomed.


What are these funny icons I get when I comment?

  • These are our aliens, calculated by some funny algorithm from outer space, based on the name and email address you enter in the commentform, then entangled with some weird quantum-mechanical projector and 11-dimensional string physics. Try to get a nice one! If you always enter the same name & email address you will get your personal alien icon.


Do you advertise?

  • No. A plain No! We are independent, noncommercial and advertisement-free!
  • To speak with Neil Young:
    “This note’s for you!”
    Don’t want no cash
    Don’t need no money
    Ain’t singin’ for Pepsi
    Ain’t singin’ for Coke


Can I do comment-spam?

Banhammer, here it comes

  • No, you can’t. This site is run by human beings, the comments are all moderated and spam gets detected (and we are good at it). Hence, you waste your time, if you post URLs to your spammy site accompanied by nonsensical text. Currently, we have a spam-ratio of about 7% (spam/site-access), and it’s declining because we use some fuzzy logic and neuronal networks to get better each day. Cortez, the server *here*, is a real killer on this topic. He might even make fun of you and your spam. This applies also to shoutbox spam, in particular persistent Indonesia / Ukraine spammorz gets made fun of.


What’s your stance on privacy?

  • Your privacy is strictly respected and protected here. We are no facebookmyspacegoogleappleetc. This site will never publish or use any email addresses, unless you explicitely want it and we regard it as appropriate.


Where is the Facebook “Like” button on your site?

  • Well, as we respect your privacy, we do not endorse any social network  tracking code on our site. This site is free of third party tracking cookies, tracking webbugs, flash cookies, Zombie cookies or any other nasty spyware code.
  • Why we DO NOT “like” this: Tracking cookies may be used to track  internet users’ web browsing habits. This can also be done in part by using the IP address of the computer requesting the page, but cookies allow for greater precision. More on cookies and privacy issues at Wikipedia *klick*
  • The Facebook “Like” button, e.g., steals your personal info (at least your IP address) when you visit sites which have implemented it, even if you are not registered on FB: “If you put a Like button on your site, you’re potentially selling out your users’ privacy [to Facebook] even if they never press that button,” says Nicole Ozer, an attorney with the ACLU of Northern California.” *Link*
  • Solution against these nasty trackers: For Firefox, use add-ons like  Ghostery, BetterPrivacy or NoScript. *Link*


What is Neil Young’s address?

  • That’s easy:
    And yes, we have his snailmail address but won’t give it out. See above, privacy…
    Neil Young’s quantum state can be seen here: *klick*


Can I write a note/message to Neil Young?

  • Yes, you can. But we will NOT forward it to him. If your message is interesting, we might post it on this blog. But be creative and somehow Neil-related.


Can I join the BNB-team?

  • Yes, you can. Currently, we are looking for reporters who file Neil-related articles from the field. Join us, using the contact-form (see top-bar *klick*). You can contribute directly to this site.


Random Quote

“The same thing
that makes you living
can kill you in the end.”
by -- Neil Young

Neil Young on Tour

  • Neil Young on Tour

Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

Other Neil News

  • Neil Young News

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  • NY-Info-Radio

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Oh My Darling Clementine

BNB has 3887566 Guests, from the new start