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Honor the Treaty Neil Cartoon by Marty Two Bulls



Cool cartoon by Marty Two Bulls at:

More Euro-Alchemy Tour 2014 tour dates

More Neil Young & Crazy Horse concerts in Ireland and Belgium have been added to the renewed Euro-Alchemy Tour of 2014

neil-young-live-at-the-marquee-cork-city-june-30th-2008Live at the Marquee, Cork, Ireland

Neil Young & Crazy Horse will play Live at the Marquee Cork  on July 10. Tickets go on sale at 9 a.m. on Monday, December 16.

This marks Neil Young’s return to Cork having last played Live at the Marquee in 2008.

Live at the Marquee is an annual music festival which takes place in Cork, Ireland during the summer, usually over multiple days in June and July.

Tickets are available from all Ticketmaster outlets nationwide, as well as online at


Neil Young & Crazy Horse at 40th edition Lokerse Feesten

Neil Young & Crazy Horse will perform at the 40th anniversary of the Lokerse Feesten in Lokeren, Belgium  on Tuesday 5th August. It will be their last show in the European Tour 2014 and everyone who attended the closing concert of their previous tour in 2001 (‘Ahoy The Killer’ – 24 July 2001) knows how scorchingly intense their performance can be, according to festival organizers.

And on top of that Neil and his comrades will not be playing a short festival set, but a full 2-hour concert.

Presales for this unique concert start immediately.  The 10-day passes are also already available. New this year is that you will have the possibility to buy a separate 9-day pass (excluding 5 August). This 9-day pass will be available later when most of the line-up has been published.

Saddle your horse and be part of rock music history!


Alchemy tour Neil Young & Crazy Horse 2014


Alchemy Tour logo


European tourdates known and on sale:

10 July, Live at the Marquee, Cork, Ireland – tix on sale Dec. 16

12 July, London, Hyde Park, UK

20 July, Ulm, Germany, Schwoerenfest Open Airtix on sale

25 July, Mönchengladbach, Germany, Beer & HockeyPark 19:00 Uhrtix on sale

26 July, Dresden, Germany, Filmfest am Elbufer – tix on sale

28 July, Mainz, Germany, Zollhafen – tix on sale

5 Aug., Lorkerse Feesten, Lokeren, Belgium – tix on sale


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Message from Neil

planet Earth messageShanghai warned children and the elderly to stay indoors for at least a seventh day this month, intensifying pressure on local authorities to control the worst smog since government monitoring began last year.

That prompted the government to order cars off the road and factories to cut production.

If the planet is “Mother Earth” Neil Young has become “Father Environment” – his most recent post at about the air pollution in China’s city of Shanghai.

Here is Neil’s message, Looks like he is writing from his home in Hawaii. Nice time of year to be there, on the beach.


Whenever you do something good in the war against CO2, people around the world benefit. Everyone benefits.

Neil Young Hawaii, USA

Hundreds of flights were delayed or cancelled on Friday in China’s commercial hub of Shanghai as record levels of air pollution shrouded the city in smog, prompting authorities to issue the highest level of health warning.

The incident is especially embarrassing at a time when China seeks to build Shanghai into a global business hub on par with the likes of London, New York and Hong Kong by 2020.

On Friday afternoon, the Shanghai government issued its severest health warning as the city’s pollution index ranged between 23 times and 31 times the levels recommended by international health officials.

In the first such advice since a new health warning system was launched in April, authorities urged residents to stay indoors and asked factories to either cut or halt production.

The unusually noxious haze was caused by several factors, including industrial pollution and auto emissions trapped by cold, windless weather, said Xu Bin, an associate professor at Shanghai’s Tongji University.

By 2 a.m. ET Friday, the level of PM2.5 particulate matter, or tiny particles in the air that are the most hazardous to health, reached a “severely polluted” 466, according to the Shanghai government’s monitoring website.

A similar measure by the U.S. Consulate in Shanghai showed a reading of 503, a level described as being beyond the index on its website.

Levels above 300 are considered hazardous, while the World Health Organization recommends a daily level of no more than 20.

More here.

Didi Tang and Eugene Hoshiko, Reuters Shanghai, China


More on Honor the Treaties

neil-young-fullIt was the last Friday in August and the radio was off in the 1959 Lincoln on the highway from Edmonton to Fort McMurray, Alta., when Neil Young first heard about the daunting legal costs facing the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation in their battle against the tar sands.

The story is told at APTN National News, how Neil Young and Daryl Hannah traveled to visit members of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation and learn about their battle against the tar sands.

“Really, really strong words came from him when he started talking to the chief directly,” said tribal member Eriel Deranger, who accompanied Neil.  “Neil has a lot of pull in the world and he wanted to use it for some sort of good and he mentioned we should do some sort of benefit concert.”

“All the First Nations people up there are threatened by this. Their food supply is wasted, their treaties are no good. They have a right to live on the land like they always did but there’s no land left that they can live on,” said Young. “All the animals are dying. This is truly a disaster. And America is supporting this. It’s very unfortunate that this is where we get the majority of our fuel from.”

Concert lineup: Jan. 12 in Toronto, Jan. 16 in Winnipeg, Jan. 17 in Regina and Jan. 19 in Calgary.

NOTE: Although initial reports indicated tickets go on sale Today (Dec. 10), a Ticketmaster link to the Winnipeg concert says tickets for that particular show go on sale Friday (Dec. 13). The link for the Winnipeg show also indicates the price range is from $59.50 on the low end up to $260.25 on the high end. Meanwhile, the Massey Hall link for the Toronto concert says tickets (ranging from $95 to $250) go on sale Friday morning at 10:30am local time.

Read the full article at:

To learn more about the ACFN:

Random Quote

““Fort McMurray is a wasteland,” Young said. “The fuel’s all over, the fumes everywhere – you can smell it when you get to town. The closest place to Fort McMurray that is doing the tar sands work is 25 or 30 miles out of town and you can taste it when you get to Fort McMurray,” he said. “People are sick. People are dying of cancer because of this. All the First Nations people up there are threatened by this.””
by -- Neil Young

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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