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‘News / Article’ Articles

this is the default category / most important part of the front-page. Most posts come in as news/articles.

BNB jubilee: 1Million guests

BNB_1-MILLION_GETfireworks*** We have to celebrate! As of Feb. 8, 2014, (BNB) has One Million guest visitors since the start of the new web page in Feb. 2011. Thank you all!

This new BNB webpage was created in 2011 after the old one got defunkt as we moved the HH/BNB pages and mailing list servers from the U.S. to Europe here and the new page administration.


First Light:

1st light of this Neil Young news blog on the Internets was on 2 Feb 11, and on 16 Feb 2011 the new page went public.



BNB-statisticsBNB has on average ca. 920 guests/day (blue curve). The longterm average is quite constant, and depends of course on Neil actions in the universal wavefunction, e.g. the latest Honour-The-Treaties debates, Neil in Israel, the crowd sourcing controversy, new albums, Archive releases, Alchemy and other tour coverage. Spam handling (red curve) is brilliant on BNB – everything gets blocked automatically or manually by various methods.



Of course you can also contribute to this page by sending us comments, or over the shoutbox or via the contact form (see BNB page at top) or you can even apply as author. How to? Read the FAQ. You are always welcome.

Thanks to:

All our welcomed guests and the contributors in all spirit, essence and form (you know who you are). A special thanks to Joe and John for the original page, Iris for design & administration and Baron for admins.

Cheers, don’t be denied, peace and love to all.

BNB admins.

You can call me erratic, but I’ve always been consistent about it — consistently erratic.
by — Neil Young, Tower Theater Pennsylvania 2011.


How cool is Neil

11498_737688556257990_395301665_nHow cool is Neil Young?

Right up there with Prince, Tupac Shakur, Hunter S. Thompson, Andy Warhol and Jack Kerouac.

Young made the top 100 list of the coolest Americans in history, according to a new exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery in Washington,  The Telegraph is reporting.

He made the list, even though he is Canadian. Weird, but cool.

The hundred actors, actresses, artists, musicians and writers in the United  States were chosen for their creativity and style – having shaped the concept of cool. There is even a welcome place for country singer Willie Nelson.

The exhibition, which took five years to bring to fruition, has been put  together by Joel Dinerstein, professor of American Civilisation at Tulane  University in New Orleans, and Frank Goodyear III, co-director of Bowdoin  College Museum of Art.

To make their selection, the two curators came up with four defining factors  of cool, of which people chosen had to fit at least three categories:

Originality of artistic vision and especially of a signature style.

Cultural rebellion, or transgression in a given historical moment.

Iconicity, or a certain level of high-profile recognition.

Recognized cultural legacy (lasting more than a decade)

Among the photographers featured in the show are Diane Arbus, Annie   Leibovitz, Robert Mapplethorpe, Edward Steichen and Herman Leonard.

See the list at:

Thanks to BGunn.

The Calgary Address

A message from Neil, along with his address to the press before the Calgary show, specifically to the editor of the Calgary Herald.
Jan. 19, 2014

imagesThanks to my friends in the First Nations.

Thanks to my crew, Thanks to all of the Canadians who supported our efforts to enable justice and truth for the First Nations living in Canada.

Our journey across the great expanse of Canada reveal…ed the beauty of the people and the land once again and brought back the old feelings of home.

To the leaders of Canada I say keep our word. Live up to the truth. Honour the treaties. To the foreign and domestic oil companies in our north, I say clean up your mess.

Stop complaining.

Talk to our First Nations and come to agreements to allow what you plan to do on their land, as it is represented in the treaties our forefathers reached with our First Nations.

PEACE. Neil Young, Canadian citizen since 1945.


updated Iceland: tourdate Neil Young and Crazy Horse

Alchemy Tour logo


Neil Young & Crazy Horse

07 Jul 2014 , Laugardalshöllin, Iceland

Tickets On Sale 10am Monday 10th February; 95 and 115 Euro

Neil Young & Crazy Horse to play Iceland on July 7th

05 Feb 2014 13:30

It is a great honour for ATP to announce that Neil Young & Crazy Horse will perform their first ever show in Iceland on July 7th 2014. The show will take place at Laugardalshöllin in Reykjavík on the Monday before ATP Iceland, which will be held from July 10th – 12th.

:: Read More:

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Lockn’ Festival

Lockn’ Festival

When asked if Neil Young & Crazy Horse would be performing at this year’s Lockn’, Frey replied:

We’ve made a very aggressive offer for Neil Young & Crazy Horse to return, and hopefully play this time. Crazy Horse has confirmed dates in Europe prior to our dates and Neil has confirmed Farm Aid a week afterward. We are hopeful that Neil decides to do this again. Therefore we’re going to wait as long as it takes for him to let us know.

Random Quote

My ego got in the way. When he talked about his wife\'s dog more than he did about me and Stephen (Stills) and David (Crosby) it pissed me off. I\'ve made music with Neil Young for 40 years and I don\'t deserve a better mention than as an appendage to his dog?
by -- Graham Nash, referring to Young\'s 2012 memoir, \"Waging Heavy Peace\"

Neil Young on Tour

  • Neil Young on Tour

Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

Other Neil News

  • Neil Young News

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Oh My Darling Clementine

BNB has 3916081 Guests, from the new start