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‘Neil-unsorted-MISC-trivia’ Articles

Miscellaneous Neil stuff; unsorted Neil posts; Trivia, serious stuff, posts that don’t fit into any other category;

Bob Cathy Neil Doug

at the Chemong Lodge (with permission =;)

Doug: My sister Cathy and i went to the show at Massy hall as well Walk with me seems to stick in my head,

Sharry: I’ve attached the photo with Bob Young wearing his white jacket with the colourful horizontal stripes. (This was the same jacket he was wearing at Massey Hall both days.) The photos was taken at the Chemong Lodge (restaurant) in Bridgenorth, Ontario (near Peterborough) in October 2010.

Neil, Bob and Dave Toms went there to eat one night when Neil paid a visit to the Omemee area just before Canadian Thanksgiving.  (Neil also paid a visit to the Youngtown Museum in Omemee then.) The photo shows Bob, Neil, Doug Northey (the owner of the Chemong Lodge) and his sister.

Sharry’s review, part 1.



Neil’s homepage

Neil Young's official homepage has a new look

has a new look!

Go to How do you like it?


Neil’s Guitar Tuning

Alex ponders the question:

What Is Going On With Neil’s Guitar Tuning??? Neil has been struggling with his guitars being out of tune for this ENTIRE tour. I have seen a bunch of these shows and more than a few times in the middle of the show Neil had to stop and yell to his guitar tech that his guitar was not tuned correctly. All very distracting and amateur for a Neil show.

I have seen over 100 Neil shows over the years and tuning has never been an issue. Well, it is now. I wondered if other concert goers had the same experience? Neil what is going on with your guitar tuning???


Is Neil looking for a new hat?

Rocker Neil Young and actor Dan Aykroyd checking out the lids at a Hat Shop on Newbury Street . . .
Bowlers are for fresh English Princesses!

here is an old hat:

Moar hats? Wanna see hats in action? Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi Epic!

Where are my sunglasses? :-]

Got questions? Got Inspirations? Got Spirit?

Johnny Magic – Neil Young video-contest from Roland Schaller on Vimeo.


Down to the radioactive Southern Pacific

by bh. (clickable)

Down the mountainside

To the coastline

Past the angry tide

The mighty diesel whines.



Random Quote

I was in and out of consciousness, high on morphine. I was so sick I was hallucinating - I remember thinking I was floating around the hospital.
by -- Neil Young

Neil Young on Tour

  • Neil Young on Tour

Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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