‘Neil-unsorted-MISC-trivia’ Articles
Miscellaneous Neil stuff; unsorted Neil posts; Trivia, serious stuff, posts that don’t fit into any other category;
Written by Shar on 04 April 2016

A 1971 video of Neil Young confiscating a CSNY bootleg album from a record store was making the rounds on social media this weekend.
The rare footage shows Young meandering through a record store, discovering bootlegged albums, including a Dylan album, and leaving the store with the CSNY album, saying he should not have to pay for it.
The record store clerk is confused, doesn’t recognize Young, and they end up calling a higher-up on the telephone.
Young leaves the store with the album.
Fun viewing.
In a Feb. 2015 interview at Consequence of Sound, Neil Young said that the recent resurgence of vinyl albums is merely a “fashion statement.”
“It’s a niche and it’s a great niche and it’s a wonderful thing and I hope people continue to enjoy vinyl and it continues to grow, because it’s a good thing,” Young went on to say, before adding the caveat that we live in a “convenience-oriented society and vinyl is not a convenient thing.”
Tags: albums, CSN&Y, vynyl records
Posted in Activism, Album Info, CSN&Y, Interviews, Neil-unsorted-MISC-trivia, News / Article, Videos | 2 Comments »
Written by Shar on 03 June 2015
Recent photos of Neil Young and his latest distraction Daryl Hannah, show Young wearing a foot brace.
The photos were taken Saturday. May 30 after the two were seen having breakfast at Ollie’s Duck & Dive in Malibu, where Young appears to be living, while his wife Pegi Young remains at the couple’s ranch near La Honda, waiting for the impending divorce to become official.
According to San Mateo County Civil Court Records, a status conference is scheduled for June 19, followed by a July 10 hearing on a motion for bifurcation of issues and a request by Neil Young for case resolution.
In divorce cases bifurcation means a couple legally dissolves the marriage, but postpones resolving issues such as property distribution until a later date.
Meanwhile, the photos taken and posted at the Daily Mail are voyeuristic, for those interested in Young’s personal life.
Enjoy more at <a href="http://www.dailymail go to the website.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3104056/Daryl-Hannah-dotes-beau-Neil-Young-breakfast-limps-ankle-brace.html” target=”_blank”>http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3104056/Daryl-Hannah-dotes-beau-Neil-Young-breakfast-limps-ankle-brace.html
Tags: Daryl Hannah, divorce. pegi Young
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Written by Shar on 14 March 2014
Woof. Woof. Who let Neil’s dogs out?
You can win a dog bowl autographed by Neil Young, according to the Winnipeg Free Press.
The Winnipeg Humane Society launched its first Celebrity Dog Bowl Auction today. Visitors to its website, winnipeghumanesociety.ca can bid on 20 autographed bowls signed by the likes of Young, Underwood, Rihanna, Fleetwood Mac, Joan Rivers, George Takei or even the dog whisperer, Cesar Millan.
Funds raised from the auction will go to the Humane Society. Those interested have until March 23 to submit their bids.
“This is a huge gesture, as it helps raise awareness and much-needed funds for the thousands of animals that come through our doors,” said Bill McDonald, the Humane Society’s CEO.
The bowls were donated and decorated by Winnipeg’s Brush Fire Ceramic Studio.
Tags: Celebrity Dog Bowl Auction, Winnipeg, Winnipeg Humane Society
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Written by Shar on 27 February 2014
Are you sick of those Facebook polls on: what state, movie star, fruit, dog, famous writer are you?
A new map compiled by Director of Developer Platform for The Echo Nest Paul Lamere shows that the most widely listened to artist, which could also be construed in terms of popularity, in Massachusetts, is folk rock singer-songwriter Neil Young.
According to their website The Echo Nest its music intelligence platform “synthesizes billions of data points and transforms it into musical understanding to power smarter music applications for customer.”
The map can be seen at BostInno where staff writer Nick DeLucca writes:
“If I were to ask you who your favorite musical artist or band is, what would you say? My humble guess is that Neil Young probably isn’t your number one, let alone in your top five. Given that some heretics out there don’t even know who Paul McCartney is, I wouldn’t be surprised that Young is far from the minds of people who are inclined to jam out on a consistent basis.”
Lamere compounded data from a number of sources – he refused to disclose every one because, as he notes in the comment section, “the exact amount of data available and the contributing services to the dataset are not public” – including Spotify based on “listening preferences of about a quarter million listeners that have a zip code associated with their account.”
Check it out at: http://bostinno.streetwise.co/2014/02/26/boston-the-echo-nest-favorite-band-by-state-map-massachusetts-neil-young/
Tags: distinctive artists by state, map, The Ech Nest
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Written by bnbrainer on 24 January 2014

Op-ed on anti-Neil arguments, using straw man, shoot-the-messenger, ad-hominem common logical fallacies (A List Of Fallacious Arguments here).
On Wed, 2014-01-22 DAVID VEITCH writes:
Debunked: The Top 10 Stupid Arguments in Neil Young Debate
The Honour the Treaties tour is now over and, as Neil Young presumably heads back to his California home, mission accomplished, the Canadian media — especially the Alberta media — can find another reason to hyperventilate.
It was a tough time for me, a former journalist, reading many opinion columns inspired by Young’s tour and his recent statements about the Alberta oilsands.
Not because I’m pro-oilsands.
Not because I’m anti-oilsands.
Nope, I found the op-ed pages infuriating to read because, above all else, I am anti-stupid arguments. And from what I read in Alberta newspapers, columnists made a ton of them in the days leading up to Young’s final show in Calgary.
Valid criticisms of Young’s position were difficult to find in the media — not because the musician’s provocative opinions were beyond reproach but because many op-ed writers seemingly lost touch with their critical faculties. They resorted to name-calling (“Hypocrite! Hippie! Old dude!”) and backed up their opinions with the same collection of asinine arguments.
In an exercise of possible self-loathing, I started making a list of the media’s most common stupid arguments why Canadians shouldn’t listen to what Young has to say. Read on, if you dare, but be warned these could make your brain hurt:
- “He’s an aging rocker.” Yes, you heard correctly. Media has uncovered the disturbing fact that the 68-year-old ages one year every Nov. 12 which, apparently, makes his opinions entirely invalid. If you want the truth about oilsands development, seek out Benjamin Button.
- “He’s a celebrity.” Columnists argue being famous for one thing precludes you from having knowledge about something else. Except there are approximately a gazillion examples that refute this argument. Off the top of my head: comedian Jay Leno and cars; filmmaker Woody Allen and jazz; Prime Minister Stephen Harper and hockey; singer Miley Cyrus and, um, wrecking balls.
- “He’s a pot-smoking hippie.” So was Steve Jobs and he wasn’t exactly a know-nothing deadbeat. Next…
- “He lives in the U.S., so he should get his nose out of Canada’s business.” This argument is particularly irritating when it comes from columnists who regularly chime in about U.S. policy on, say, the Obama administration’s handling of the Keystone XL Pipeline Project.
- “He was born in Canada but lives in the U.S. He’s not Canadian anymore.” Just to be clear: with this argument, columnists are referring to Young, not Canadian-born companies such as Nexen and Husky Energy, which are now controlled by foreign interests.
- “He’s using this anti-oil crusade to sell his electric car.” Oh how I laugh when columnists trot out this supposed smoking gun, as if to suggest Young has more to profit from spinning the truth about oilsands development than oil companies.
- “But he flies in planes, which use oil, and he sold records, which are made of oil. So he’s a hypocrite.” Of course, almost everyone on Earth uses a product derived from petroleum; this argument suggests no one has the moral authority to question the actions of Big Oil. Using the same argument, newspaper columnists should never criticize or question municipal, provincial and/or federal governments because they surely use these government services.
- “He compared what’s happening in Fort Mac to the human tragedy of Hiroshima — that’s an insult to the families of those who perished in the atomic bomb blast.”No, Young did not say that. (For the record, he said the region “looks like Hiroshima.”) Nor did he say he wants all oilsands workers to lose their jobs. Nor did he tell children Santa isn’t real. This straw man was No. 1 on the Logical Fallacy Charts during Honor the Treaties Week.
- “He should shut up and sing.” So say the columnists who’ve never bothered to listen to the lyrics of After The Goldrush (“We got Mother Nature on the run”) or Vampire Blues (“I’m a vampire, babe, suckin’ blood from the earth/Well, I’m a vampire, babe, sell you 20 barrels worth.”)
And finally…
- “He’s irrelevant.” Hundreds of column inches dedicated to Young’s every word suggest otherwise.
Tags: logical fallacy
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