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‘Album Info’ Articles

Info about new albums or new releases

25 Years Ago: Neil Young’s ‘This Note’s for You’ Album Released

Think back 25 years. Neil Young was 42 years old when “This Note’s for You” came out.

youngthis1Michael Gallucci writes at the website “Ultimate Classic Rock:” “Falling somewhere between a big-band record and a soul album, Young’s 17th album, credited to Neil Young & the Bluenotes, employs a horn section that sounds more like a scrappy bar band than a tightly formed unit. Curiously enough, they miss many notes on the record, leaving many fans to wonder if the LP was a tribute or satire. It could go both ways.”

The title track “This Notes for You” won an MTV Video Music Award for Best Video of the Year.

Read more:

Crosby calls new CSN&Y album “unbelievable”

Britain’s best music magazine “Uncut” says David Crosby has been tweeting about a forthcoming album from CSN&Y.

csny030413wCSNY have long been rumoured to be working on a live album  taken from their 1974 tour.

“We’re talking to Neil about the resolution he wants everything at. Because of  the world Neil is in, he wants it at the highest possible – which is always  advisable,” said Graham Nash.

Read more at:

Cover Me

Five good covers of “Cortez the Killer.”

“He came dancing across the waters, Cortez, Cortez.”

The website “Cover Me” has compiled a list of artists who offer their own renditions of Young’s historical-fiction epic song.


Cover writes:

In 1975, Neil Young released Zuma, one of several albums he recorded in the ’70s which contained a single song that pretty much eclipsed the rest of the album. In Zuma’s case, it was “Cortez the Killer,” a three-chorder rumored to have been written to make it easier for Crazy Horse guitarist Frank Sampredo to play along on rhythm guitar. Young hadn’t played with Crazy Horse for several years, and during that time Sampredo had taken the place of founding guitarist Danny Whitten, who had died of a drug and alcohol overdose. Clocking in at over seven minutes, “Cortez” was originally even longer — it famously had to be faded out because tape ran out during the session. (Upon learning the song’s last verse didn’t get recorded, Young shrugged and said, “I never liked that verse anyway.”) Bands who have covered the song have been been tacking minutes onto it ever since.

Check out the songs at:






Broken Arrow Ranch Studios

Story on Redwood Digital/Plywood Analog.

Thanks go to Bernie B. Shakey.

Analog Geeks on Psychedelic Pill

psychedelic-pilla great analog geeky article about the analog discussion of the Neil Young & Crazy Horse album “Psychedelic Pill” on about the .MP3 generation vs. “the real sound”

“You used to get it all/blocking out my anger/blocking out my thoughts.”

— On this sprawling three record, five side triple-gatefold AAA album, recorded through a vintage Universal Audio tube console and Neve BCM10 junior console to a Studer 2″ eight track analog tape recorder, mixed to Ampex 1/4″ tape, mastered by Chris Bellman from the analog master at Bernie Grundman’s and pressed at Pallas in Diepolz, Germany, Young lays down the sonic challenge, saying in the sound and production, “Here it is, here’s what we once had, here it is again, listen and tell me that any digital format can even remotely approach this, not just sonically, but emotionally”.

Also mentions some details on the PONO audio format recording of the album.

…read more on .

thanks to bgunn.

They rate the music (on a scale of 1-10) as a 9, 
and the sound as an 11.




Random Quote

A hip drag queen and a side-walkin\' street wheeler, Comin\' down the avenue.
by -- Neil Young

Neil Young on Tour

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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