Analysis of Neil & Rust Never Sleeps

Info about new albums or new releases
Crazy Horse member Billy Talbot said his new album “On the Road to Spearfish” out this week was inspired by the vast North American Prairie, where he and his wife Karin have restored a homestead in Spearfish, South Dakota.
“On The Road To Spearfish”
“Big Rain video”. A great album and thanks to let us listen and see to it.
In addition to the digital release of the nine-song set, a companion HD film chronicling the sessions will be available. On The Road To Spearfish follows up the Billy Talbot Band’s 2004 album Alive In The Spirit World. With the addition of newcomer Ryan James Holzer (trombone, harmonica, autoharp, organ, acoustic guitar), the same versatile musicians join Talbot again: guitarist Matt Piucci, Erik Pearson (horns, banjo, lap steel), Mark Hanley (lap steel, mandolin, guitar), Tommy Carns (bass), and Stephan Junca (drums). Using vintage gear and an eclectic orchestra of acoustic and electric instruments, the album was recorded at Light Rail Studios in San Francisco.
Add the upcoming 1974 live album by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young to the long list of CSN projects that will be out “someday.”
Scheduled for August 27, the document of the groups 1974 tour is now pushed out until 2014. Graham Nash told ABC Radio News that there are two reasons for the delay.
“We were gonna bring it out in August, but next year is the 40th anniversary of the tour, and so I’m gonna wait for spring of next year.
“You gotta understand, our shows were three or four hours long and there are four of us and we were all writing like crazy. I just found a one-minute, 10-second song of Neil Young’s about Richard Nixon that I can’t leave off. It’s brilliant…So, my point is, I’m still forming and shaping the album.”
For those disappointed by the delay, know that the wait may be worth it as the release should contain around 38 songs.
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thanks go to dr nusskopf.
previous article about the 1974 live CSNY album announcement.
Andy Green of Rolling Stone has been writing about Neil Young a lot these days. This time he looks at the 1969 release of “Everybody Knows this is Nowhere.”
He travels down the history of Neil Young road that dates back to “The Rockets.”
Greene writes: After years when he’d labored over each and every song he recorded, Crazy Horse helped teach Neil the value of working very quickly. “In a single day we did ‘Cinnamon Girl,’ ‘Down By The River’ and ‘Cowgirl In The Sand,'” bassist Billy
Talbot told Rolling Stone in 1979. “There wasn’t much need to discuss it.”
He lists EKTN as one of the top 500 albums of all times.
The guys in Crazy Horse didn’t know what kind of future they had, but the songs they cut with Neil were finally getting a huge audience. Slowly, Everybody This Is Nowhere started to climb the charts, eventually reaching Number 34.
“Cinnamon Girl” was finally released as a single in April of 1970 and many radio stations put it into heavy rotation.
The little white puppy on the album cover might show up in Neil’s new car/dog-theme book he said he’s been working on.
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The above quote came from Graham Nash, and he’s talking about the release of a live CSN&Y album from their 1974 reunion tour.
Tentative release date is Aug. 27.
Andy Greene from the Rolling Stone writes:
They have yet to settle on a title. “I want to call it What Could Possibly Go Wrong?” says Crosby. “I’m going to dig my heels and seriously fight for that. You can’t hear that without laughing your head off. It’s important to look at yourselves with a sense of humor in retrospect and realize what gigantic egos we had and what idiots we were. But I think it’s a great title. If I don’t get it, I’ll threaten to quit the band – at which point I’ll be reminded that there’s no band to quit!”
The 1974 tour wrapped at London’s Wembley Stadium on September 14th. They filmed that night and at least one other, but don’t expect to see any video footage in this package. “I don’t think Neil’s gonna go for that,” says Crosby. “He doesn’t like the way he looked. He doesn’t like his haircut on that tour.”
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young haven’t toured in seven years. “What do we do after this live album comes out?” asks Nash. “Do we just let it lie there and fucking die, or do we do limited promotion? That’s not cowardly, but that’s not the way to do it. In my perfect world – and I’m only talking about what I would do – I would delay the release of this until the spring of 2014. I would ask David and Stephen and Neil to take three months off their busy lives and go out on tour to promote this record.”
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