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BNB got 100.000 Visitors

Screen it or it didn’t happen :-]

BNB has today 100.000 visitors since our new start on 13-2-2011.
Thanks to all Neil Young fans and interested readers out there!
Thanks to Opa for the free beer haha! We will catch it!

We hope, you all out there from all over the wold keep on rockin’ in a free world.
Browse this living site, read in calmness, comment or shout, if you want.
We here as Neil Young Fans respect your privacy, we do not track, do not advertise and so on.
More information to our free BNB-spirit you find here *klick*

Best wishes to you and many thanks from the BNB Team!


FAQ: how to post here

Sorry, I can not figure out how to post something on your blog and not
show my email address. Can you tell me how to do so?

  • – you can use the “comment function” for each post – it does NOT show your email@ on the webpage; it’s just required for the comment form (only us admins can see it); if you don’t trust us, just enter any fake email@ (like – this will work as well.
  • – for rather short shouts, use the shoutbox at the bottom left. Again, no real name or email@ required.
  • – for articles or other lengthy submissions, please use the contact form in the head-bar of this site.

This site will never publish any email@, unless you explicitely want it and we regard it as appropriate.

Any sort of spam, of course, will not show up. Cortez, the server here, is a real killer on this topic.

We are independent, noncommercial and advertisement-free !

 "This note's for you!"
         [Neil Young]

for moar FAQ, goto the full FAQ.

69000 get

must post a Neil video of her/his choice.

“69152” who was it?

Finished: 24 hours to make a world record

“Old ways / sure is hard to change ’em / come what may / it’s hard to teach a dinosaur a new trick …”

I recieved a mail from Greenpeace UK. They gave Facebook an Earth Day deadline (April 22nd) to announce they’re going coal-free and that date is fast approaching. As of yet, there’s been no sign from Facebook that they plan to replace dirty coal and nuclear with clean, renewable energy.
So if you’re a Facebook user, log in, speak your mind and be part of today’s global push for a world record. Not bad for three minutes of your Wednesday.

Here’s the link

This is our world!
Don’t mess with it by using nuclear powers for energy.
Use something else.
Think different. Question it all.

Thank you!

Thank you, it’s done! Now let us hope, that Mister Zuckerberg changes the kind of energy for this giant facebook serverpark! Information technology is responsible. We are responsible.  Yes, we can.

this is our world



keep fingers crossing for Japan.  Hard to say something. Words? Heart is with the people.

All our help for all Japan. Nature is so strong.

But then don’t mess with it by using nuclear powers for energy. Use something else. Think different. Question it all.

Oh Mother Earth!

update: Fukushima on 22 March 2011:  smoke billows over blocks 2 and 3, temperature in block 1 is rising, still none of the cooling pumps are working, partial core meltdown in blocks 1-3, more and more radioactivity measurements are surfacing… sources: | (animated radioactivity plume predictions |

update: Fuk-ed-up on 30 March 2011: probably all 3 reactor cores have partial meltdown; unbelievable high radioactivity values in the sea water, Pu-239 in the soil, etc. The problem with a nuclear society is, that it inherently is based on LIES! See the Japanese information plicy right now.

Random Quote

Crazy Horse did not like white men because they
encroached upon his beloved wide-open prairie. He
detested their developments that chased away the
buffalo his people depended on for food and clothing.
When the cold came roaring down the Plains, the
buffalo faced those raging winds with its head into the
white storm, as if it were cleaning itself from hardship
and discomfort.

Those were the same winds blowing
against Crazy Horse’s face as the footprints of white
men stamped more and more across the land.

by -- Neil Young, 2012, Americana

Neil Young on Tour

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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BNB has 3956129 Guests, from the new start