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Young Neil – The Sugar Mountain Years

Young NeilOur Zuman and Rustie sister Sharry Wilson has been getting a lot of publicity as her new book “Young Neil, the Sugar Mountain Years,” makes the rounds.

In the latest interview by Winnipeg Free Press, book reviewer Cheryl Girard writes:

“In Young Neil, first-time author Sharry Wilson attempts to have us do just that, taking us back to Neil Young’s early years, his childhood in and around Toronto and his teen years in Winnipeg.

The subtitle The Sugar Mountain Years is taken from one of Young’s songs written, Wilson tells us, on his 19th birthday. He had left home and was looking nostalgically back at his childhood.

A lifelong fan and a professional proofreader, Wilson, who lives just north of Toronto, interviewed many of Young’s old school chums and fellow band members from Ontario and Winnipeg. She offers many previously unseen photos and includes material gathered from letters, documents, biographies and other memorabilia.”

Read the whole review at:


Rolling Stone wrote: “A supremely compelling chronicle of Young’s first 20 years.  Wilson, who painstakingly tracked down childhood friends and early band mates, recounts Young’s often difficult upbringing — from his parents’ divorce to the challenges he faced changing schools as he moved from town to town with his mother – as he relentlessly pursues his musical dreams and develops his songwriting voice.”


She was also interviewed by Thornhill Liberal reporter Simone Joseph a few weeks ago. Her article about “Young Neil: The Sugar Mountain Years” appeared in the New Year’s Day edition of the Thornhill Liberal.

Check it out here:

For the whole scoop, check Wilson’s website for the book:


Ah Sharry, we can say we knew you when…….The Baron brought you on board. 😉



Random Quote

Find out that now was the answer to answers that you gave later...
by -- Neil Young

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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