Porkie’s poo-poo “The Monsanto Years”
The more vocal Neil Young gets about GMO’s, the more opponents speak out against his new album “The Monsanto Years.”
This time it is the Pork Network. And I am guessing Neil likes some BBQ’d ribs, so this could hit him pretty hard.
Dan Murphy at The Pork Network, goes on a tirade against the new album, stating it is filled with inaccuracies and basically, it sucks as an album. That is his very sarcastic opinion. Yet, he is not alone.
He writes:
“Young and pals recorded a music video “Rock Star Bucks A Coffee Shop” (sic) to highlight their campaign. Honestly, it looks and feels like a parody song, a la Weird Al Yankovic, with a bouncy pop soundtrack recorded over grainy video clips of the band members sucking down Starbucks lattes, then throwing the coffee at the camera.
Real original.
The trudge of time
Look, Neil Young is an undeniable talent, especially during the 1960s when he was a member of the groundbreaking Crosby Stills Nash & Young band. I don’t want to date myself too much here, but I forked over for tickets to see the group several times in concert during their initial tours, and the 1970 release of their landmark second album was the only time in my life I stood in line at a record store to buy the album the day it came out.
Yikes. That sentence just made a couple liver spots pop out on the back of my hand.
Unfortunately, Neil Young: The Later Years makes Old Elvis look like an ad for the miracle of plastic surgery. Let’s just say that the years have not been kind to the now wildly inappropriately named rocker. I mean, when you open the dictionary to “Aging Rock Star,” you don’t even need a definition — just side-by-side photos of Keith Richards and Neil Young.
I hate to say it, but he’s morphed into a poster boy for the dangers of creepy old men who are either merely senile or actual stalkers.”
Ouch! Many female Neil Young fans would disagree with that assessment.
Read more, if you can keep your blood pressure down at: http://www.porknetwork.com/community/murphy-when-young-gets-old