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New album cover “American Gothic” inspired

neil-young-the-monsanto-yearsNeil Young has just revealed the track list and album cover for his next album, The Monsanto Years, due out June 29.

The album is a collaboration with Promise of the Real, a band that includes Willie Nelson‘s sons Lukas and Micah.

According to Brian Ives, writing at, here’s the tracklist for The Monsanto Years.

Neil Young The Monsanto Years Tracklist

1. A New Day For Love
2. Wolf Moon
3. People Want To Hear About Love
4. Big Box
5. A Rock Star Bucks A Coffee Shop
6. Workin’ Man
7. Rules Of Change
8. Monsanto Years
9. If I Don’t Know

The album cover  is a painting of Young with a woman who looks to be his current paramour, Daryl Hannah, posed in a tribute to “American Gothic.”

And it’s unlikely that you’ll hear the album on the sound system at your local Starbucks. That’s because the first single, “A Rock Star Bucks a Coffee Shop” is a bit critical of the chain.  You can watch the video at Democracy Now; the song includes lyrics like “Yeah, I want a cup of coffee but I don’t want the GMOs/ I’d like to start my day off, without helping Monsanto” (tip: to see the clip, fast forward to about 26:30 into the video).

Young and Promise of the Real kick off a U.S. tour July 5 at the Milwaukee Summerfest. See the tour dates Rebel Content Tour

Random Quote

“The same thing
that makes you living
can kill you in the end.”
by -- Neil Young

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Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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