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Neil Young Recording New Album With Willie Nelson’s Sons

Neil with Lucas and Micah NelsonRolling Stone’s Andy Green wrote that Neil Young is planning a new album with Willie Nelson’s sons Lukas and Micah Nelson.

He writes in Rolling Stone:

“Neil Young sat down with Rolling Stone Executive Editor Nathan Brackett at the International Consumer Electronics Show on Jan. 7 to discuss the long-awaited rollout of his Pono music player, but he also shared details of his next LP.

“I’m working on another album now that I’m going to do be doing with Willie Nelson’s sons,” he said, jokingly suggesting he would title it The Monsanto Years after the agriculture company he’s been railing against for years. “It’s an upbeat review of the situation.”

Young was less sure about his other future plans. “I don’t know much about the future,” he said. “I want to [focus on Pono] and I want to continue playing music. Those two things should keep me pretty busy.  I have some film editing and things to do on the side. I’ll probably be writing some more books. I want to keep doing what I do. I’d like to continue doing it for a long time.”

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Random Quote

How can I bring you
To the sea of madness?

by -- Neil Young

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