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Twitter Hijacks #NeilYoungLies With Hilarious Results

n-NEIL-YOUNG-large570The backlash to Neil Young’s anti-oilsands crusade now has a slogan Neil Young Lies, a website and a twitter feed which savages the singer’s environmental activism, according to Huffington Post.

@NeilYoungLies launched yesterday with this tweet:

NEW SITE exposing @NeilYoungLies in his campaign of abusing celebrity status to wage a campaign of deceit & propaganda against #cdn oilsands.

But their #NeilYoungLies hashtag was quickly, and hilariously, hijacked by snarky Twitter users.

Check out the hilarious tweets at

Here’s a few:

“The Cinnamon Girl was actually nutmeg.”

“Cortez was aquitted of all charges.”

“Flying Mother Nature’s silver seed to a new home in the sun. Impossible. No one can live in the sun.”

“Rust sometimes sleeps.”

“You don’t resemble a hurricane in any way.”

“No! Not everybody knows this is nowhere!”

“‘Down by the river, I shot my baby dead.'” Neil Young has NEVER been found guilty of murder. Who is he covering for?”


The NeilYoungLies.CA initiator:



Random Quote

Like Bob Dylan, with whom he is most comparable, Young periodically falls in and out of favor with public taste, but at no point in the past has that stunted his ambition.
by Mark Guarino, Chicago Daily Herald, 29 Aug 2003.

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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