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NYT Review: Familiar Yet Distant, With Songs and an Edge

Neil Young was just a few bars into an indignant old song at Carnegie Hall on Monday night, chugging a terse intro on an acoustic guitar, when he abruptly threw the emergency brake.

“Wrong!” he barked, waving one hand, as if to cut off a rehearsal band. Part of the audience had started clapping to the beat — but not quite on the beat, as Mr. Young complained. His tone was even, his exasperation clear.

“It’s something that you probably don’t know,” he said, peering into the house from the stage, “but there’s a hell of a distance between you and me.”

read more:…/arts/music/temperamental-neil-young-starts-run-at-carnegie-hall

Random Quote

Well its not like Neverland or anything. We just have horses, cows. We don\'t have a giraffe, we don\'t have a preschool group. We had some emus for a while. They were pretty cool.
by -- Neil Young

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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