More Pono naysayers
Neil Young’s music service has no chance, says Troy Wolverton, technology columnist the Mercury News in San Jose, Calif.
“Oh Po-No…”
His article appeared in The Columbia Dispatch and he writes that: “Pono would have consumers step back in time. They would have to carry around separate phones and music players again. And they would pay $400 for that music device — which, in an increasingly connected world, is resolutely disconnected. The only way to get music on it is by transferring it from a computer over a USB cable.”
“You can’t buy a song when you’re away from your computer and you can’t stream it to the device. The company’s not even working on a smartphone application that might be able to offer Pono customers some connectivity or instant gratification.
“Because the PonoPlayer isn’t connected, it can’t access to your entire music collection or the universe of available music. Instead, it can only play what’s stored on it, which, if the songs are all in the high-resolution format it’s promoting, is only about 800 songs.”
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