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Carnegie Hall – the clapping

Carnegie-Hall 2014

photo by Trapper

Here is another article about the clapping at a Neil Young acoustic show in a musical theater:

“To clap or not to clap? Performing at New York’s Carnegie Hall on Monday night, Neil Young abruptly rebuked his audience for clapping along to his CSNY classic Ohio. “Wrong!” the veteran rocker snapped, cutting off the intro after a few bars and only continuing when the crowd had settled down into suitably reverent silence.

“When Young explained to his chastened clappers “there’s a hell of a distance between me and you” he probably meant the literal distance from stage to seats, which plays havoc with acoustics.

“Clapping along is a way of reclaiming music, returning it to its communal essence. It is a very human sign of involvement and appreciation, not just an indication that people are enjoying it, but that they are getting carried away by the spirit of it.

read all on:…/Clappy-unhappy-why-Neil-Young-was-wrong-to-tell-his-audience-to-be-quiet.html

The controversy goes in essence about two horns of a dilemma:

a) clapping in a large audience hall can’t be physically timely on the rhythm that’s coming from the stage and disturbs the listening experience of the musician (and so his performance) and of the other audience further away from you;


b) the audience wants to express its happiness.


Random Quote

With Neil Young, expectations are useless.
by Jimmy McDonough, St Louis Post-Dispatch, 6 Aug 03.

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