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Neil to release Cellar Door Album

4976c8c0Pitchfork is announcing that Neil Young will release a new live album of six performances from 1970 at the Cellar Door in Washington D.C.

The collection is scheduled to be released on Nov. 26.

According to Pitchfork, the  recordings of the performances came a few months after the release of  After the Gold Rush from November 30 to December 2, 1970,.

Live at the Cellar Door will be out through Reprise on CD, vinyl, and digital formats.

The album features Young performing acoustic and piano renditions of songs from After the Gold Rush, as well as three versions of Buffalo Springfield songs, a solo piano take of 1969’s “Cinnamon Girl”, early takes of songs that would appear on later studio albums, and other classics.

Live At The Cellar Door:

Tell Me Why, Only Love Can Break Your Heart, After the Gold Rush, Expecting to Fly, Bad Fog of Loneliness, Old Man, Birds, Don’t Let It Bring You Down,See The Sky About to Rain,Cinnamon Girl,I Am a Child, Down by the River, Flying on the Ground Is Wrong.


Random Quote

The songs just happened. First thing in the morning, I\'d pick up a guitar, play two or three chords and go, \"That\'s the blueprint. That\'s what my soul told me, so that\'s what it is.\"
Then I\'d go to the studio. I would write the words, without guitar, in my car. I\'d keep stopping on the way -- write two verses, go a hundred yards, stop, write some more. I kept moving, and writing, until I got to the studio.
Whatever I had then, that was the song. \"Devil\'s Sidewalk\" -- the recording is the first time I sang it, the first time the band had ever heard it.

by Neil Young, Rolling Stone Interview, 4 Sept 2003.

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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