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Listen to a stream of “Live at the Cellar Door”

Andy Greene's twitter profileIt must be nice to be Associate Editor Andy Greene at Rolling Stone who gets to write about Neil Young  a lot, seeing the legendary musician is so prolific on many fronts.

Since we feature so much of Greene’s writing, here he is.

Sometimes writing is a thankless job, so thanks Andy, for your good work bringing Zumans and Rusties so much Neil Young news. We like it.

Greene writes about “Live at the Cellar Door” without a gazillion adjectives.

“After 44 years in the vault, the recordings are finally coming out on December 10th on CD gram vinyl. The set mixes Buffalo Springfield classics like ‘Flying on the Ground Is Wrong’ and  ‘I Am a Child’ with new songs like “After the Goldrush” and ‘Tell My Why.’ Young plays ‘Cinnamon Girl’ on piano for one of the very few times in his long career. The shows also featured the live debuts of ‘Old Man’ and ‘See the Sky About to Rain.

These performances by Neil are epic in their intimacy, his connection with the audience, and the quality of Young’s voice. It feels like the sky about to rain. Listen to “Flying on the Ground is Wrong” and it feels like you are in the room.

You can listen to the new release at the Rolling Stone link below:

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Random Quote

“You wake up in the mornin\'
And the sun\'s comin\' up. ”

by -- Neil Young

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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