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How Crazy Horse jump-started Neil Young’s Career

20130422-neil-x600-1366664493Andy Green of Rolling Stone has been writing about Neil Young a lot these days. This time he looks at the 1969 release of “Everybody Knows this is Nowhere.”

He travels down the history of Neil Young road that dates back to “The Rockets.”

Greene writes: After years when he’d labored over each and every song he recorded, Crazy Horse helped teach Neil the value of working very quickly. “In a single day we did  ‘Cinnamon Girl,’ ‘Down By The River’ and ‘Cowgirl In The Sand,'” bassist Billy
Talbot told Rolling Stone in 1979. “There wasn’t much need to discuss  it.”

He lists EKTN as one of the top 500 albums of all times.

The guys in Crazy Horse didn’t know what kind of future they had, but the songs  they cut with Neil were finally getting a huge audience. Slowly, Everybody  This Is Nowhere started to climb the charts, eventually reaching Number 34.
“Cinnamon Girl” was finally released as a single in April of 1970 and many radio  stations put it into heavy rotation.

The little white puppy on the album cover might show up in Neil’s new car/dog-theme book he said he’s been working on.
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Random Quote

Sittin\' in the quiet slipstream
In the thunder.

by -- Neil Young

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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