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Crosby calls new CSN&Y album “unbelievable”

Britain’s best music magazine “Uncut” says David Crosby has been tweeting about a forthcoming album from CSN&Y.

csny030413wCSNY have long been rumoured to be working on a live album  taken from their 1974 tour.

“We’re talking to Neil about the resolution he wants everything at. Because of  the world Neil is in, he wants it at the highest possible – which is always  advisable,” said Graham Nash.

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Random Quote

\"(I) drove around the tarsands in my electric car viewing and experiencing
this unbelievable smell and toxicity in my throat — my eyes were
burning,\" he recalled. \"That started 25 miles away from the tarsands.
When I was in Fort Mac, it got more intense. My son, who has cerebral
palsy, has lung damage, (so) he was wearing a mask to keep the toxic
things in the air out of his lungs and make it easy for him to have
lungs after he left.\"

by -- Neil Young, Honor The Treaties 2014

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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