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Review: Take One – Baltimore, Neil Young at the Hippodrome Theater April 27

April 28, 2011
Neil Young at the Hippodrome Theater April 27
from Midnight Sun alum Sam Sessa:

Many audience members were expecting a hit parade or an all-request hour, shouting suggestions at Young, who brushed them off. While he did play a handful of his signature pieces, such as “Ohio,” “Helpless” and an excellent “Cortez the Killer,” much of Young’s set was music from his latest album, “Le Noise” and other newer songs.

Young’s dimly lit set, with its wooden Indian and hodgepodge of instruments, recalled a rustic saloon. Spotlights cast four rectangular panels on the dark curtain behind him, giving the impression of a church’s stained glass windows at twilight.

When Young emerged, wearing jeans, a black T-shirt, white jacket and light tan fedora, the crowd greeted him with a standing ovation. Wasting no time, he fired right into a trio of hits: “My My, Hey Hey (Out of the Blue),” the poignant “Tell Me Why” and a subtle, elegant version of “Helpless.”

From there, it was on to more obscure material.

…moar barn on

:: also with photo gallery: Neil Young at the Hippodrome
(photos by Doug Kapustin, The Baltimore Sun / April 27, 2011)

“Cortez the Killer” with a green guitar is available here.



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