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Neil Young and his memoirs…

Neil Young has already written “a good deal of material” for his upcoming memoir, tentatively titled Waging Heavy Peace.

Joining the lengthening list of rockers to have penned, or signed to pen, their life story, Young will release his work in the fall of 2012, Blue Rider Press announced.

“He felt that this was a really propitious moment to try and put some stuff down on paper,” David Rosenthal, the president and publisher, told The New York Times.

“The intention is to cover pretty much everything — growing up, music, life. I am astounded at his memory for detail.”

“I felt like writing books fit me like a glove; I started and I just kept going,” Young said in a statement.

…more on: Neil Young signs deal to publish memoirs – Music –

Random Quote

I don\'t work in the box. I don\'t like the box.
by -- Neil Young bh

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