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10.000 Photos of Neil Young


Neil Young CSNY by Henry Diltz

photo by Henry Diltz

update: here are some more examples of Joel Bernstein’s and Henry Diltz’ b/w splendid pictures of Neil: “Henry Diltz and Joel Bernstein: Neil Young“.

You think you know Neil Young, eh?

Nobody knows Neil Young quite like Joel Bernstein.

Bernstein, a respected rock and roll photographer and Young archivist, estimates that he has snapped some 10,000 photos of Young over the years. Bernstein also reckons that he spent “19.5 years – and one day” in his task of archiving Young’s recordings.

“Neil is like a lighthouse beam. He has an incredibly intense focus in a very narrow area to the exclusion of all else,” Bernstein told me one evening last week at a well attended exhibit of photos by Bernstein and Henry Diltz at the Morrison Hotel Gallery.

more on Wall Street Journal Blog

Random Quote

You just never know what kind of wreckage there is when something happens.
by -- n young; Copenhagen, 4/27/03.

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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